DGA reports solid beginning to 2022 for land-based club

DGA reports solid beginning to 2022 for land-based club The presentation of gaming machine 맥스88 income inside the Danish market figured out how to balance the misfortunes from sports wagering and online gambling clubs inside the initial two months of 2022. Distributing its monetary records for January and February 2022, the Danish Gambling Authority, Spillemyndigheden, nitty gritty that Denmark's complete GGR expanded by 16% during the initial two months of the year to DKK 1.05bn (€141.1m). Land-based club saw an expansion in income to over DKK 31m (€4.1m), which was all taken in February because of the gambling club area opening during that month. The scenes were shut during the initial two months of 2021 because of pandemic lockdown limitations. The greatest driver of income for the initial two months, be that as it may, was gaming machines - which recorded a huge increment to DKK 131m (€17.6m), with DKK 22m (€2.9m) in January and DKK 109m (€14.6m) in February. In examina...